Mannig Consulting was founded to foster the peaceful and beneficial use of modern science while at the same time reducing the risk from existing and emerging technologies. Unlike classical approaches from the military, economic and ecological points of view, Mannig Consulting takes a holistic approach following the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Janus has become the symbol for ambiguity, duality. Nowhere is this more exemplified than in advances in science and technology. From the beginning of humanity, these advances have brought higher survival rates, better health and quality of living. At the same time, they have been turned against humans and the environment. Fire, iron, horses, and – in modern times - reactive chemicals such as chlorine, mass production, vehicles, airplanes, submarines, nuclear energy, „omics“ and IT serve to illustrate this point.

Mannig Consulting was founded to foster the peaceful and beneficial uses of modern science while at the same time reducing the risk from existing and emerging technologies. Unlike classical approaches from the military, economic and ecological points of view, Mannig Consulting takes a holistic approach following the UN Sustainable Development Goals.