Publications by Dr. Detlef Männig
The Oligomerization of Clusters
R.D. Adams, D. Männig and B.E. Segmuller
Organometallics, 2, 149 (1983)
New and Convenient Syntheses of Dicyclopentadienyl-zirconium tetrahydridoborate
D. Männig and H. Nöth
J. Organometal. Chem. 275, 169 (1984)
A Convenient Synthesis of Catecholatoborane and Diborane
D. Männig and H. Nöth
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1689 (1985)
[2+2]-Cycloadditionen von (tert-butylimino)(2,2,6,6-tetra-methylpiperidino)boran
mit Kohlenstoffdichalkogeniden
D. Männig, C.K. Narula, H. Nöth and U. Wietelmann
Chem. Ber. 11, 3748 (1985)
Hydroborierung und Hydrozirkonierung von tert-butylimino-2,2,6,6-tetra-
D. Männig, H. Nöth, M. Schwarz, S. Weber and U. Wietelmann
Angew.Chem 97(11), 979 (1985)
Catalytic Hydroboration with Rhodium Complexes
D. Männig and H. Nöth
Angew. Chem 97(11), 854 (1985); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 24(10), 878 (1985)
Solutions of Aluminum Trichloride in Tetramethylurea and the Molecular Structure
of an Aluminum Trichloride Tetramethylurea Adduct
A. Bittner, D. Männig and H. Nöth
Z. Naturforsch. 41, 587 (1986)
Über den Einfluss sterischer Faktoren auf die Konformation von Diborylaminen
D. Männig, H. Nöth, H. Prigge, A.-R. Rotsch, S. Gopinathan and J. W. Wilson
J. Organometal. Chem. 310, 1 (1986)
Darstellung und Molekülstruktur von Uran(III)tetrahydrido-borat-3-Tetrahydrofuran
D. Männig and H. Nöth
Z. anorg. allg. Chem. 54, 66 (1986)
Distannylchalkogenide: 119Sn-NMR-Untersuchungen und die Kristall- und
Molekülstrukturen von Bis(tri-tert-butyl-stannyl)oxid und Bis(tribenzylstannyl)sulfid
S. Kerschl, B. Wrackmeyer, D. Männig, H. Nöth and, R. Staudigl
Z. Naturforsch. 42, 387 (1987)
Elucidation of Reaction Pathways in Host-Guest Complexes by Crystal Engineering.
Photoaddition of Carbonyl Groups of Guest Acetophenones and Propiophenones to
Host Deoxycholic Acid.
Y. Weisinger-Lewin, M. Vaida, R. Popovitz-Biro, H.C. Chang, D. Männig, F.
Frolow, M. Lahav and L. Leiserowitz
Tetrahedron 43(7), 1449 (1987)
Hydrogen Peroxide in the Chlor-Alkali Industry
D. Männig and G. Scherer
Proceedings of Chlorine Plant Operations Seminar; Washington, DC, March 18, 1987
Chemical Treatment of Effluent from Photofinishing Plants
H. Knorre, D. Männig and K. Stützel
J. Imaging Technol. 14(6), 154 (1988)
Hydrogen Peroxide in Processing
D. Männig, G. Scherer and J. Medina
Broiler Ind. 1, 34 (1988)
Improved COD/BOD Removal from Poultry-Processing Wastewater Using Hydrogen Peroxide
D. Mannig and G. Scherer
Proceedings of Ninth Annual Meeting of the Southern Poultry Science Society: Atlanta, GA, Jan. 18-19, 1988
Hydrogen Peroxide for Improved Solids Removal in Food Processing Wastewater
D. Männig and G. Scherer
Proceedings of Food-Processing Wastewater Conference; Atlanta, GA, October 31 - November 2, 1988
A Non-Toxic Precipitating Agent for Removing Heavy Metals from Wastewaters
P.A. Ruggiero and D. Männig
Proceedings of American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society Sur-Fin `89; Cleveland, OH, June 26-29, 1989
A Unique, Non-Toxic Precipitating Agent for Pretreatment and Removal of Heavy Metals in Wastewaters
P.A. Ruggiero and D. Mannig
Proceedings of the Water Pollution Control Federation Annual Conference; San Francisco, CA, October 15-19, 1989
Verbesserung des Deinking-Prozesses durch Druckfarbenflotation aus der Feinstoff-Fraktion
W. Eul, H.U. Süss and D. Männig
Wochenbl. Papierfabr. 118, 221 (1990)
Herstellung von grafischem Recycling-Papier mittels Deinking-Verfahren, in:
DECHEMA, GVC und SATW (Hrsg.), Produktionsintegrierter Umweltschutz in der chemischen Industrie
D. Männig, G. Hennings and J. Wiesner
Frankfurt am Main 1990, ISBN 3-926959-21-5
Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Contributions and Concerns of the German Chemical Industry, in:
H.G. Brauch (Hrsg.), Controlling Military Research and Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies as a Problem of Disarmament and Arms Control Policy in the 1990s
D. Männig
AFES-Press Report No. 45, Mosbach 1992, ISBN 3-926979-44-5
At the Conclusion of the Chemical Weapons Convention: Some Recent Aspects Concerning the Chemical Industry, in:
B. Morel and K. Olson (Hrsg.), The Shadow and the Substance - The Chemical Weapons Convention
D. Männig
Westview Press, Boulder, CO 1993, ISBN 0-8133-8735-3
The Chemical Industry and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, in:
J. Altmann, T. Stock and J.-P. Stroot (Hrsg.), Verification after the Cold War
D. Männig
VU University Press, Amsterdam 1994, ISBN 90-5383-291-2
Warum es auch heute noch chemische Waffen gibt
D. Männig
Chemie Report 4/5, 9 (1995);
short version: Das Wissen bleibt zugänglich.
Standort Chemie 10, 14 (1995)
Chemiewaffenübereinkommen - Bedeutung für Industrie und Hochschule
D. Männig and E. Wyszomirski
Nachr.Chem.Tech.Lab. 43, 774 (1995)
Effective Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) in Germany and the Involvement of the German Chemical Industry Association, in:
T. Kurzidem, Y. von Lersner, P. Radler, T. Stock and R.G. Sutherland (Hrsg.), Effective Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention
D. Männig
Proceedings of a Conference held at Bad Homburg, Germany, 8-10 September 1995
Kontrolleure für das Chemiewaffenübereinkommen
D. Männig
Nachr.Chem.Tech.Lab. 45, 1081 (1997)
Technical and Market Trends of Relevance to the CWC
Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop
Bratislava, September 18-22, 2002
The Problem of thousands of Other Chemical Production Facilities under the Chemical Weapons Convention: Are some more relevant than Others?
D. Männig
The CBW Conventions Bulletin, Issue No. 81, 1-4, 2008
Markt – Staat – Bürgergesellschaft
Für eine Ordnungspolitik der Nachhaltigkeit
G. Bös, S. Bosewitz, A. Habisch, B. Erbacher, F. Erbacher, E. Hagenmeyer, W. Hinzen, A. Lamott, D. Männig, J. Oswald, E. Pickartz, B. Vester, B. Wenn, M. Wilde, F. Wodopia
Bund Katholischer Unternehmer, Diskussionsbeiträge 35
Köln, Oct. 2012
Education and Engagement: Promoting a Culture of Responsible Chemistry;
Final Report of the Scientific Advisory Board’s Temporary Working Group
D. Männig et al.
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, November 2014
Changes in the Landscape of European Chemical Industry
D. Maennig
K. Hughes and J. Alper (Rapporteurs), The Global Movement and Tracking of Chemical Manufacturing Equipment: A Workshop Summary
The National Academies Press, Washington, DC 2014
Abrüstung – “Zum Wohl der Menschheit”
D. Männig
Nachr. Chem. 62, 1183 (2014)
Chemical Industry‘s Best Practices
D. Maennig
J. Thompson, S Gahlaut (Eds.), CBRN Security Culture in Practice, NATO Science for Peace and Security series – 2015, IOS Press, NL 2015
Industrial use of bio-based production systems: drivers and challenges
D. Männig
Advances in Design and Use of Microbial Production Systems: A Workshop for the BWC Community, pp. 3-4, Geneva, August 9, 2015
The Hague Ethical Guidelines
D. Männig et al.
The Hague, Nov. 18, 2015
Auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltigere Zukunft
Global Compact Deutschland 2016, S. 86-87, Macondo Publishing GmbH, Münster 2017
Interview 20 years of Chemical Weapons Convention
D. Männig
chemie report 2017 (7+8), p. 19
Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe in Südafrika
H.Gantzer and D.Männig
Global Compact Deutschland 2017, pp. 68-69, Macondo Publishing GmbH, Münster 2018
Evonik macht Lachse zu Vegetariern
H.Gantzer and D.Männig
Global Compact Deutschland 2018, pp. 52-53, Macondo Publishing GmbH, Münster 2019
Nachhaltigkeitsinitiative: Verantwortung übernehmen
D. Männig
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 68, 2020, pp. 34-36
Indicative Guidelines for Chemical Safety and Security in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Foster the Peaceful Uses of Chemistry
D. Männig et al.
The Hague (Netherlands) and Almaty (Kazakhstan), Aug. 6, 2021