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Presentations by Dr. Detlef Männig
  1. Chemiewaffenübereinkommen (CWÜ): Aktueller Stand

    Handelspolitischer Ausschuss

    Frankfurt, Germany, September 29, 1996

  2. Das Chemiewaffenübereinkommen: Eine Einführung
    VCI Frankfurt, Germany, January 27, 1997

  3. Umsetzung des Chemiewaffenübereinkommens in der Degussa AG
    Werksleitertagung, Frankfurt, Germany, March 18, 1997

  4. Umsetzung des Chemiewaffenübereinkommens (CWÜ) in der chemischen Industrie

    Hauptausschuss VCI

    Frankfurt, Germany, March 20, 1997

  5. Chemiewaffenübereinkommen, dual-use Problematik und Produktverantwortung - Eine Einführung
    Product Management Training Metallwerk

    Hanau, Germany, November 18, 1997

  6. Das Chemiewaffenübereinkommen: Eine Einführung
    6th FALEX-follow-up-Seminar

    Frankfurt, Germany, December 11, 1997

  7. Industrieinspektionen unter dem CW-Übereinkommen - ein Erfahrungsbericht

    Hessische Stiftung für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

    Bonn, Germany, September 3, 1998

  8. Aspekte des CWÜ aus Sicht der Industrie
    Hessische Stiftung für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

    Berlin, Germany, December 15, 2000

  9. Chemische Waffen – Chemische Abrüstung
    Burschenschaft der Norddeutschen und Niedersachsen
    Bonn, November 22, 2000

  10. Technical and Market Trends of Relevance to the CWC
    NATO Advanced Research Workshop
    Bratislava, Slovakia, September 18-22, 2002

  11. Die chemische Industrie und das Chemiewaffenübereinkommen - Beiträge, Probleme, Chancen
    Seminar of Bundeswehrakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik
    Mannheim, Germany, July 2002

  12. Input by ICCA
    Informal Discussions on the First Review Conference of the CWC
    The Hague, Netherlands, March 7, 2003

  13. Input by ICCA
    Open Forum on the Chemical Weapons Convention: “Challenges to the Chemical Weapons Ban”
    The Hague, Netherlands, May 1, 2003

  14. Das Chemiewaffenübereinkommen (CWÜ) und seine Umsetzung in der chemischen Industrie
    Degussa IPW-USW
    Hanau, Germany, June 23, 2003

  15. The role of the chemical industry in CWC implementation
    OPCW Regional Workshop
    Bucharest, Romania, May 17-19, 2004

  16. Implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention in chemical industry: practical implications
    CEFIC Seminar on Trade and Production Controls
    Brussels, Belgium, July 6, 2005

  17. Introduction to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
    Second Intensive Seminar for Trade Compliance Officers
    Frankfurt, Germany, September 7-9, 2005

  18. The role of chemical industry: tracking and identifying chemical transfers
    Technical meeting of national authorities in Latin America and the Caribbean on practical aspects of the transfers regime, with an emphasis on customs
    Lima, Peru, August 28-29, 2006

  19. Industry experience with industry verification
    Industry Protection Forum
    The Hague, Netherlands, November 2, 2007

  20. Experiences with the CWC and the Director General of the OPCW
    Handelspolitischer Ausschuss
    Munich, Germany, March 5, 2008

  21. Die dunkle Seite der Chemie: Chemische Waffen und deren Abrüstung und Vernichtung
    Chemieolympiade at Landesschule Pforta
    Schulpforte, Germany, March 18, 2009

  22. Introduction to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
    VCI and VCH Workshop „Handelskontrollpflichten der chemischen Industrie“
    Frankfurt, Germany, May 7, 2009

  23. Some recent topics regarding implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
    „Deutsch-Schweizer Treffen“
    Basel, Switzerland, April 8, 2011

  24. Some recent Issues regarding Verification in Chemical Industry
    32nd Workshop of the Pugwash Study Group on the Implementation of the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions

    Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 30 April-1 May 2011

  25. Changes in the Chemical Industry
    IUPAC Workshop “Impact of Scientific Developments on the Chemical Weapons Convention”
    Spiez, Switzerland, February 22, 2012

  26. Industry Views on the Future Priorities of the OPCW
    Presentation for OPCW Staff
    The Hague, Netherlands, April 12, 2012

  27. The Chemical Weapons Convention – A success story of industry
    Conference of International, Regional and Subregional Industry Associations on UN Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004)
    Wiesbaden, Germany, April 24, 2012

  28. Serving bioeconomy markets
    Presentation at the 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Biotechnology
    Bandung, Indonesia, 23 - 24 January 2013)

  29. Die Bedeutung von chemischen Kampfstoffen in bewaffneten Konflikten - Lektionen aus der Geschichte für den aktuellen Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
    Bonner Märzgespräche
    Bonn, Germany, March 16, 2013

  30. On the Way to a BioInnovation Hub Brazil-Germany
    CLIB International Conference, Duesseldorf, April 17-18, 2013

  31. New Concepts for Enhancing By-Product Utilization and Output in Palm Oil Production
    Biomass Asia Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 20 - 22 May 2013

  32. Changes in the Landscape of European Chemical Industry
    NAS Workshop “Global Movement and Tracking of Chemical Manufacturing Equipment”
    Washington, D.C., U.S.A., May 12, 2014

  33. Evonik‘s Bioeconomy Activities in Brazil
    Presentation at German-Brazilian Bioeconomy Forum, Sao Paulo, May 22, 2014

  34. Update on BioInnovation Hub

    Presentation at German-Brazilian Initiative for Cooperation in Agribusiness and Innovation
    Hamburg, August 31, 2014


  35. Tools for Building CBRN Security Culture - Chemical Industry‘s Best Practices
    NATO Advanced Study Institute Workshop on CBRN Security Culture
    Yerevan, Armenia, June 9, 2014

  36. ICCA and the CWC - Working Together for a World Free of Chemical Weapons
    Regional Meeting of Chemical Industry Representatives and National Authorities of States Parties To CWC in Asia
    Doha, Qatar, November 10, 2014

  37. Industrial use of biobased production systems: drivers and challenges
    IAP Workshop for BWC Meeting of Experts: Advances in Design and Use of Microbial Production Systems
    Geneva, August 9, 2015

  38. ICCA and the “Wiesbaden Process”
    Disarmament and its impact on industry – panel discussion on the Wiesbaden-Process, 21st Session of the Conference of the States Parties
    The Hague, November 28, 2016

  39. Human Rights and Export Control @ Evonik
    Denkwerkstatt Evonik
    Brussels, Belgium, January 26, 2017

  40. 20 Years of CWC implementation: The role of the International Council of Chemical Associations
    Sixteenth Regional Meeting of National Authorities of States Parties in Eastern Europe
    Tbilisi, Georgia, May 3-5, 2017

  41. Sustainability as a growth driver for chemical industry
    Workshop on policy and diplomacy for scientists: Introduction to responsible research practices in chemical and biochemical sciences
    Trieste, Italy, 12-15 September 2017

  42. Sustainability in Chemical Industry
    OPCW Workshop on Trends in Chemical Production
    Zagreb, Croatia, October 3 – 5, 2017

  43. The Future of the Art. VI Regime – ICCA Views
    National Authorities Meeting

    The Hague, November 23, 2017

  44. Role of chemical industry and trade associations in CWC implementation
    Sub-Regional Stakeholders Forum: Advancing CWC National Implementation and Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia
    Bangkok, Thailand, April 24-26, 2018

  45. Role of the Chemical Industry in CWC Implementation
    Seventeenth Regional Meeting of National Authorities of States Parties in Eastern Europe
    Prague, Czech Republic, May 7-9, 2018

  46. The Role of National Chemical Industry Associations and the National Authorities in continually improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Article VI verification
    Fifth Annual Meeting of Chemical Industry Representatives and National Authorities of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention
    Doha, Qatar, October 2-4, 2018

  47. How to identify the most relevant Sustainable Development Goals for your organization: A science-based case study of a multinational enterprise
    Forum on the peaceful uses of chemistry: Potential contribution of the OPCW to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
    The Hague, Netherlands, October 23, 2018


  48. Chemische Waffen
    Presentation for Students
    Bonn, December 12, 2018

  49. Chemical Safety Management

    Workshop on Developing Tools for Chemical Safety and Security Management

    The Hague, The Netherlands, March 25-27 2019

  50. The Contributions of Chemical Industry to Article XI of the Chemical Weapons Convention

    Review & Evaluation Workshop of the Components of an Agreed Framework for the Full Implementation of Art. XI (C-16/Dec.10 Dated 1 December 2011)

    The Hague, The Netherlands, July 1, 2019

  51. Sustainability - a a growth driver for chemical industry

    Workshop on policy and diplomacy for scientists: Introduction to responsible research practices in chemical and biochemical sciences

    Trieste, Italy, September 9-13, 2019

  52. Chemical Safety and Security Management

    Workshop on policy and diplomacy for scientists: Introduction to responsible research practices in chemical and biochemical sciences

    Trieste, Italy, September 9-13, 2019

  53. Efforts to continually improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Article VI verification, including the role of national chemical industry associations and the National Authority - Views of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA)

    Sixth annual meeting of chemical industry representatives and national authorities of states parties to the chemical weapons convention (CWC)

    Doha, Qatar, October 15-17, 2019

  54. Chemical Safety and Security Management : What Do Big and Small Industry and Academia Have in Common

    Seminar on the Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Safety and Security Management for Member States of the OPCW in Eastern Europe

    Belgrade, Serbia, October 21-23 2019

  55. OPCWUpdate

    Presentation at Fachausschuss „Handelskontrollen“ of VCI

    Online June 2, 2020

  56. Some Safety and Security Aspects When Working from Home for the Chemical Industry

    Presentation at Forum on Peaceful Uses of Chemistry: New Norms on OPCW Capacity Building Programme after the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Online, July 1, 2020

  57. The Importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Chemical Industry and International Organizations
    Presentation at Expert Group Meeting on Green and Sustainable Chemistry for Safety and Security, Organized by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
    Online, August 4-5, 2020

  58. Article XI of the Chemical Weapons Convention - Relevance for Chemical Industry
    Presentation at Review & Evaluation Workshop of the Components of an Agreed Framework for the Full Implementation of Art. XI (C-16/Dec.10 Dated 1 December 2011)
    Online, November 2, 2020

  59. Gift als Mittel der Politik und des Krieges
    Presentation for Students
    Online, November 10, 2020

  60. Response of Chemical Industry to COVID-19
    Seventh Annual Meeting of Chemical Industry and National Authority Representatives
    Online, November 17-18, 2020
    Detlef Maennig and Ferdinand Tibau

  61. Safety and Security: Drivers for Sustainability in Chemical Industry
    Presentation at Workshop: „Indicative Guidelines for Chemical Safety
    and Security in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to Foster Peaceful Uses of Chemistry”
    Detlef Mannig
    Online, 29 June 2021

  62. Some aspects regarding chemical industry and the SARS-CoV-2-induced pandemic  on defense strategy
    Presentation at THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA DEFENSE UNIVERSITY Online Overseas Study Visit Program 2021, Strengthening Science, Technology and Defense Industry in Supporting the State Defense
    Detlef Mannig
    Online, 14th July, 2021

  63. Chemical Industry Initiatives related to Chemical Security within the framework of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
    Presentation at Eighth Annual Meeting of Chemical Industry and National Authority Representatives
    Detlef Mannig
    online 12 and 13 October 2021

  64. Establishing a Safety and Security Culture for Transportation of Hazardous Chemicals by Road
    Presentation at Workshop on Developing Indicative Guidelines for Transportation of Hazardous Chemicals by Road
    Detlef Mannig
    Wuppertal, Germany, 4-6 April, 2022

  65. Chemical industry - a driver for Sustainability
    Presentation for OPCW-SAB Industry Collaborative Workshop on Emerging Scientific Trends and Directions in Chemical Industry
    Detlef Mannig
    Antwerp, Belgium 20-21 June 2022

  66. The current state and trends in chemical Industry
    Presentation at OPCW Associate Programme
    Detlef Mannig
    The Hague, 3 August, 2022

  67. Germany’s approaches in addressing issues on security in the transport of chemicals
    Ninth Annual Meeting of Representatives of the Chemical Industry and NA
    Detlef Mannig and Vivica Münkner
    Doha, October 18-19, 2022

  68. Comments by ICCA
    Meeting of Open-Ended Working Group for the Preparation of the Fifth Review Conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention
    William Garcia and Detlef Mannig
    The Hague, Nov. 8, 2022

  69. Contributions of the Chemical Industry in the Implementation of Article XI of the Chemical Weapons Convention: An Outlook on Sustainability, Safety and Security
    Presentation at Review & Evaluation Workshop of the Components of an Agreed Framework for the Full Implementation of Art. XI (C-16/Dec.10 Dated 1 December 2011)
    William Garcia and Detlef Mannig
    The Hague, The Netherlands, 14th  November 2022

  70. Neues in Sachen CWÜ & BWÜ
    Vortrag bei Fachausschuss Handelskontrollen des VCI
    Berlin, 9 November, 2022

  71. Approaches/Challenges/Best practices in engaging with the chemical industry (both large and SMEs)
    Global Annual Meeting of National Authorities
    William Garcia and Detlef Mannig
    22- 25 November 2022

  72. Safety and Security – Guidelines by OPCW and General Considerations
    The International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Emergency Situations"
    Charkiv, Ukraine, May 19, 2023

  73. Chemical Safety and Security Management
    Workshop on Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to responsible research practices in chemical and biochemical sciences
    The Hague, June 21-23, 2023
    William Garcia, Detlef Mannig

  74. The Role of Industry in Disarmament and  Non-proliferation

    Workshop on Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to responsible research practices in chemical and biochemical sciences

    The Hague, June 21-23, 2023

    William Garcia, Detlef Mannig

  75. Trends in Chemical Industry

    Presentation at Associate Programme

    The Hague, July 26, 2023

    William Garcia, Detlef Mannig

  76. Indicative Guidelines for Chemical Safety and Security in Small und Medium-sized Enterprises to Foster the Peaceful Uses of Chemistry
    Presentation at Online Seminar of the Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Safety and Security Management for Member States of the OPCW in the AFRICA Region
    Online, Oct. 11, 2023
    William Garcia and Detlef Mannig

  77. Industry‘s Role in CBW Norms
    Presentation at Workshop „Chemical and Biological Weapons : The Interconnectivity of Norms
    Giessen, Germany, October 23-24, 2023
    Dr. Detlef Männig

  78. Introduction to the Indicative Guidelines for Chemical Safety and Security in Small und Medium-sized Enterprises to Foster the Peaceful Uses of Chemistry
    Presentation at Online Seminar of the Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Safety and Security Management for Member States of the OPCW in the Eastern Europe Region
    Nov. 8, 2023
    William Garcia and Detlef Mannig

  79. Development of Guidelines - Management System, Loading and Unloading
    Online Review Workshop on Indicative Guidelines for Transportation of Hazardous Chemicals by Road
    13 November 2023

  80. Strengthening the role of Chemical Industry in driving peaceful and beneficial uses of chemistry for economic and technological development
    Presentation at Review & Evaluation Workshop of the Components of an Agreed Framework for the Full Implementation of Art. XI (C-16/Dec.10 Dated 1 December 2011)
    The Hague, The Netherlands, 20th November 2023
    Dr. Detlef Mannig, William Garcia

  81. Some aspects regarding chemical terrorism and counterterrorism in chemical industry
    Presentation at CBWNet expert workshop on The Norms Prohibiting Chemical and Biological Weapons: Challenges from and Responses to an Evolving Terrorist Threat
    Berlin, 1-2 February 2024

  82. Know Your Customer (KYC) – Some aspects from a practitioner in chemical industry
    Presentation at Workshop on Developing Indicative Guidelines on the Know Your Customer (KYC) - Chemical Safety and Security Tools Development Program
    Colombo, Sri Lanka, February 27 – March 1, 2024

  83. Trends in Chemical Industry
    Presentation at Associate Programme
    The Hague, July 31, 2024
    Dr. Detlef Mannig, William Garcia

  84. Key messages by ICCA
    Tenth annual meeting of representatives of chemical industry and national Authorities of states parties to the chemical weapons convention
    Doha, Qatar, 15 – 17 October 2024
    William Garcia, Detlef Mannig

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